Friday, November 16, 2012

The Vortex



The uncharted seas of life

Stretch from frigid arctic seas of despair

To balmy tropic seas of love and joy

This voyage be begin at birth

Leaving the safe harbour of our Mother’s womb

With no idea of the ports ahead


Like the Tall ships we sail before the wind

Gliding smoothly through gentle swells

Tacking wildly in squalls and storms

Looking for a port to dock

Becalmed at time in the doldrums of life

Desperately looking for a friendly landmark


Each tack we take a turn toward adventure

Blindly sailing to the Harbour we seek

Sometimes running aground on jagged rocks

Beneath the glassy surface

To limp back to port

Or if our luck holds

The swell gentle lifts us clear

As we boldly sail towards our destination


Some times as we sail past each other

We lose control of our rudder

When we unwittingly slip over the brink

Of a whirlpool that draws us spiralling in

Gently at first. Then with incredible force

Until we come together, or another storm comes

Sending us scuttling in the other direction


Into this vortex I unknowingly sailed

Gradually but strongly pulled to you

I might have sailed away, but no

In you I began to see the port

Where I longed to be

And from this mutual harbour we will sail together

Through stormy tropical seas.
By Bob Richards

Saturday, November 3, 2012




Thoughts of love unspoken

Begin to fade and pale,

Like a forlorn prisoner

Pining away in jail.


Thoughts of anger unspoken,

Caged away inside,

Begin to slowly fester

Like a boil in ones side.


Speak and share your love,

Let it fly swift and free

Let the love keep growing,

And it will return to thee.


Share your feelings of anger,

Nip them in the bud

Find your way to understanding,

And to turn them back to love.



Bob Richards

Monday, October 22, 2012

Salute to a Friend



There is a friend that I recently met

While spending time on the internet.

This gentle lady though racked with pain,

Shared with us posts, through which we gained

A sense of quiet toughness and love

That touched our hearts like a dove.


Filled with wisdom beyond her years,

Caring for others despite her tears-

To her husband she’s a lover,

To her daughter a mother,

To us a fiend like no other.


In spite of her pain

And her medicated state,

She has touched our hearts,

And stimulated our minds

With simple truths about life.


For you dear friend,

We can send but our love,

And to God send our prayers

For the lady with a good heart,

For her toughness and courage.


Dear friend this will never be good bye,

For with your permission and by your leave,

We would like to continue to look in on your life,

To send you messages of caring

And snap shots of our life



Bob Richards

Monday, October 15, 2012

Seeds of Love

Seeds of Love


As the warm rays of the spring sun

Gently warms the garden soil

With its life giving gift

The visions and thoughts of you

Gently warms my aching heart


Softly the gentle spring rains

Bring the dormant seeds to life

Even as your touch, innocent but sweet

Gives life to the Potpourri of seeds

That lay dormant in my heart


Some like the desert flower

After the sudden desert storm

Burst quickly into bloom

But wilt back into the heart

Till the day it can bloom again


Or like the mountain Juniper

Keeps growing in spite of the perils

Withstanding the cold and the drought

Sure in the knowledge of the strength

And depth of my love



Bob Richards

Monday, October 8, 2012




Grieve not my passing,

For like a bird I’m set free,

Unshackled from earthly cares,

From aches, pains and heartache.


No Heaven or Hell for my Soul,

Bit, if Mother Nature grant my wish,

Like a shield full of warmth,

My spirits will be near thee.


In the breeze that caresses your cheek,

In the cup in your hands that touches your lips.

Gazing fondly back from your mirror,

Loving you always, please remember, my Dear.


Let the warmth of my passion

Forever keep you warm

As I bring extra warmth,

To your robes and your home.


Though the going maybe be tough,

And you weary from strife,

Chilled by the north winds,

Let my spirit give warmth to your life.


For no more would I be tethered,

By worldly rules and constraints,

And like a true Gemini my many Spirits,

Would then be free.


To be there when you need me,

And I would be honored and proud,

If in time of frustration, trouble and woe,

You remembered me fondly,


If my memory gives you pleasure,

And from the pleasure a strength

To face life with a laugh,

And a sparkle in your eye.


For giving joy to the loved ones living

Is the best gift, from those who have died.


Bob Richards


Monday, October 1, 2012

Grieve Gently My Friend



Grieve gently my friend.

Open wide your heart,

Let sorrow take flight

Along with worry and pain

From the palm of your hand.


Grieve gently my friend.

Open wide your heart

To memories of happier days.

Remember the good times

Of love and laughter shared,

Of hugs and gentle touch.


Grieve gently my friend

Open wide your heart

For though they are gone,

You are never far apart,

For they are forever

A part of your heart.

Bob Richards

Sunday, September 23, 2012




Ah Dad, You gave us more than love

Your passing will not erase memories

Memories of happier times of our youth

You taught us the love of the outdoors

Tried to guide us through the teens

Strove to give us the best

And when Mum’s health failed

You were there day and night

Showing us that love can prevail

That love Dad, was your greatest gift.



Monday, September 17, 2012


Time, constant time,
Measured with dull regularity,
The steady tick of seconds,
Hours, days, weeks, years.
Why then does time fly
When you are nearby?
The aches of years slip away
When I gaze upon your face.

The years seem to slip away
My body and mind filled with joy,
Your smile, your touch, your nearness,
Heal my broken heart.
When we are apart time drags
Here weary feet, makes hours of minutes,
In days my body ages years.
Aches develop deep within my chest.
Thank you my love,
For those precious moments of time.
I fondly hold them in my heart,
Drawing upon their joy to face the day.
Bob Richards

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Aftermath



With tears and anguish in our hearts

We watch the images of terror repeat

As planes like evil birds of prey

Strike at the innocent of the world


Numbly we sit and watch

Images of unspeakable evil

Twin towers reduced to rubble

As fanatics rejoice in the streets


How can a man who claims to believe

In a god the creator of all things good

Feel any joy to see such horror

To celebrate the worlds sorrow


Yet even as evil rejoiced

Seeing victory among the ruins

Hero’s answered with care and love

Seeking to help and rebuild lives


Even before the smoke and dust

Settled in the eerie twilight

Good resisted the urge to strike back

At innocent in another land


Symbols do not a nation make

Nor their ruin, civilization destroy

The world did not fall apart in fear

But love and goodness still abounds


Ah! Evil your dreadful blow

Unites Nations, Religions and Peoples

Unites the forces of good and love

Unleashes the steadfast power of a dove


Like doves of peace we pray

For love, peace around the world

But we are not meek, just calmly strong

Ready to fight for justice, to right this wrong


We are ready to fight you evil

For the God you have forsaken

Will listen to our prayers

Will give us wisdom and patience


For the God of Islam, Catholic,

Hindu, Buddha and Jews

Is a loving and forgiving God

And will speak with one mighty voice


The Gods will grant our warriors

The gift of love and compassion

Do not mistake this for weakness

It is a sign of strength


It is easy to be a coward

And strike someone from behind

But we give you warning

We did not pick this fight


But we will use our weapons

If we must with bomb and gun

But also with prayer and love

And aid for those less able


And as the days and years pall

The masses will flock to Gods banners

Until there is no place to hide

For we know there is a Heaven


And it is right here on Earth

There is a key to enter

By people helping people

No mater what race or creed


There is a here after

But it is here and now

It is the sound of love and laughter

Not of violence and hate


So now we gird God’s armour

And answer his call

We will not rest till hate

Is vanquished from his hall


Bob Richards


Note written shortly after the events of 9/11


Monday, September 3, 2012




Leaves falling,

Swirling, fleeing before the wind,

Torn fiercely from the branches

By icy fingers.


Leaves falling,

Releasing gently, as if on a whim,

Fluttering slowly as if in a dream

To sleep on the earth.


Leaves falling,

Brilliant gold, yellow and red,

Celebrate like a colourful part

Just before bed.


Leaves falling,

Reminding us our season too is short,

So face our fall season with zest,

Live life to the fullest as we prepare for our rest.


Bob Richards

Saturday, August 25, 2012



Chilly air chases sleep away
Cold in upon the calf
The months of training
Over at last
Now into the wet suit
To join the crowd
Near the lake.

Chilly pebbles against the feet
Breathe deep and slow
And slow the heartbeat
With a clear calm mind
Looking at the buoys on the lake
Ready and confident
You have what it takes.

The starter’s instructions
And the gun
Cold water seeps into the suit

Settle into a strong rhythm
Got to keep this beat
Encouraged by canoeists
Think of the scuba divers
Somewhere down beneath.

The voice of the announcer
You now hear with each stroke
Will I make it in time
And still be able to compete?
Dig a little deeper
With each stroke
Drawing strength from the crowd
Beginning to hope.

Joy reigns supreme
As you stagger to shore
The clock and the crowd
Now you know for sure
You can do it
Struggle out of the suit
With helping hands

On with the shoes
Ready to bike
Walk the bike to the street
Off to the shouts and cheers.

Settle into rhythm, whistle or hum
A peppy song to move along
Pushing on the flat sections
Moved along by the crowds
Thankful for the dedicated crews
Manning the aid stations
Replacing the liquids you know
You will lose.

Pushing up the Richtar
The notorious pass
Shifting down, watching
As other pass, keep calm
Race your own race
Sweat in your eyes
And down your face.

Over the top, now downhill
Pass a cyclist who has passed you
Something is wrong, but
You will see this through
Not just for yourself and family
But for volunteers and crews
For spectators and athletes too.
Still time to enjoy the beauty
Of the picturesque Similkameen
Sweat through the rolling roads
Before heading back home
Never far from aid stations
Encouragement and cheers
Just one final big challenge.

The Yellow Lake hill
The day’s toughest test
Again we gear down
Down to our lowest gear
Don’t look too far up
Concentrate on each separate stroke
Just make the top.

The crowds get thicker
As we near the town
Runners and bikers crowding the road
The announcers voice above the rest
I am still in time
Still in the race
Into the transition
Bike right to the end
Swing off the bike
And onto my feet.
Feel the saddle sores
The blisters burst on the feet
Into the running gear
To the cheering crowd onto the street
I will not let them down
First try to run, then to walk
Hoping to finish before ten o’clock

Night fall, the way gets dark
I am late but will not give up
The crowds urge me on
They don’t care that I’m late
Their support touches my heart
I will be back next year for sure
To these dedicated fans
I’ll give back

The race is officially over
But I heard the crowd
Still vocal and loud
With a tear in my eye
And a lump in my throat
I stride for the line
With family and friends.

It’s hard to explain
The incredible joy
For the thousands who have given
Their support for this day
It is them that I’ll remember
When I wear the medal
This is their Ironman Day.

Bob Richards

Written after doing the first race in 1993 at age 50.  Did the race each year until 2000. Plan on doing the next one in 2018 at age 75.

Poem published in Penticton and Area Secrets and Surprises by Penticton Writers and Publishers in 1994

Monday, August 20, 2012

To My Parents


I came into the world naked and weak,

You took me to your bosom and nurtured me.

Larger than life you stood beside me,

Protected me from peril, yet

Allowed me to make my own way.

If I fell you picked me up with love,

If I succeeded you showered me with pride.

Gentle, loving giants to this small child,

Slowly shrank through passing years,

Till at last this adolescent teen,

You looked in the eye and gave his wings

While trying to guide his rebellious ways.

Though we sometime fought-

Often did not agree-

One thing remained constant

From the times on your knees-

The love that you gave me.

Now as you grow tired

And slowly give way to the years.

Can I give you protection and care,

So the circle of life and the circle of love

Will continue to be fulfilled,

The way you showed me those years ago.

Bob Richards

Sunday, August 12, 2012



I turned and was lost,

Frozen in place

By the beauty of your face,

Soul mirrored in you eyes,

One look at your loving soul

Melted my heart away.

Its not just bullets and arrows,

That fly straight and true

To pierce the unwary heart.

Strength and armour protect not.

The hunters heart is not immune

To cupids cruel darts.

The hunter dispatches he quarry

Swiftly to ease its pain.

With heavy, compassionate heart

The sharp knife does it’s work.

One last shudder, the deer lies still,

The pain quickly over.

Yet the hunter’s heart is not immune,

And is snared in one brief glance

Into your soft and loving eyes.

Unable to hold you in his arms

He must forever endure

The lonely ache in his heart.

Bob Richards