Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Aftermath



With tears and anguish in our hearts

We watch the images of terror repeat

As planes like evil birds of prey

Strike at the innocent of the world


Numbly we sit and watch

Images of unspeakable evil

Twin towers reduced to rubble

As fanatics rejoice in the streets


How can a man who claims to believe

In a god the creator of all things good

Feel any joy to see such horror

To celebrate the worlds sorrow


Yet even as evil rejoiced

Seeing victory among the ruins

Hero’s answered with care and love

Seeking to help and rebuild lives


Even before the smoke and dust

Settled in the eerie twilight

Good resisted the urge to strike back

At innocent in another land


Symbols do not a nation make

Nor their ruin, civilization destroy

The world did not fall apart in fear

But love and goodness still abounds


Ah! Evil your dreadful blow

Unites Nations, Religions and Peoples

Unites the forces of good and love

Unleashes the steadfast power of a dove


Like doves of peace we pray

For love, peace around the world

But we are not meek, just calmly strong

Ready to fight for justice, to right this wrong


We are ready to fight you evil

For the God you have forsaken

Will listen to our prayers

Will give us wisdom and patience


For the God of Islam, Catholic,

Hindu, Buddha and Jews

Is a loving and forgiving God

And will speak with one mighty voice


The Gods will grant our warriors

The gift of love and compassion

Do not mistake this for weakness

It is a sign of strength


It is easy to be a coward

And strike someone from behind

But we give you warning

We did not pick this fight


But we will use our weapons

If we must with bomb and gun

But also with prayer and love

And aid for those less able


And as the days and years pall

The masses will flock to Gods banners

Until there is no place to hide

For we know there is a Heaven


And it is right here on Earth

There is a key to enter

By people helping people

No mater what race or creed


There is a here after

But it is here and now

It is the sound of love and laughter

Not of violence and hate


So now we gird God’s armour

And answer his call

We will not rest till hate

Is vanquished from his hall


Bob Richards


Note written shortly after the events of 9/11


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